Tnpa5330 схема
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It would appear none of the IGBTs are shorted or the diodes. Have they been checked. I checked the soldering joints by measuring continuity and all was good. Original fault 7 blinks, other parts diodes and transistors of the same construction form are not shorted to gnd, I had to change C because it blew up while workin with hot air heat protection came loose.
And for the other list; схема I just listed those short to gnd, Q shorted. Then I checked every Transistor and Diode of схема мса лужников схема construction form. I triple checked схема cable connection, will check this evening. Hope this helps to find the fault. A pretty common pattern. After I reconnect board and triple check cable connections and I reconnect AC the following happens: The green LEDs Front Panel comes up and starts blinking Startup схема and even the Panel tnpa5330 up for a second before shutting tnpa5330 with 6 red led blinks.
Since tnpa5330 not available in Europe I had to change it with tnpa5330 nearly equivalent.
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